“Be joyful, my dear; be joyful,
In the Beloved’s Divine Game,
Oh, in the Beloved’s Wonderful Game. ”

The game of Quaternity, though played on a physical board, is a reflection of something far greater. It is not merely a contest of strategy and skill but a representation — a shadow cast by a higher dimension. The game we play is a fragment of a larger, more complex reality. And as we learn to navigate this board, we prepare ourselves for something much more profound: the next evolutionary step in human perception.
The Fourth Way teachings spoke of "stealing knowledge"—a phrase often misunderstood. It does not mean taking something that isn’t ours. Rather, it refers to engaging fully, absorbing what is given, using it in a way that aligns with the rhythm of the universe. To truly play the Game, one must enter it with awareness, not as a mere spectator but as an active participant. Perhaps this is why the saints and mystics have always spoken of existence in terms of a game, a divine interplay between seen and unseen forces.
Hafiz wrote:
“The saint knows that the spiritual path is a sublime chess game with God.”
When we play Quaternity, we are not just moving pieces across a board — we are training ourselves to see beyond the ordinary, to develop new "organs of perception." The necessity of peripheral vision, of expanding our awareness in multiple directions, is not just a skill for the game, it is a prerequisite for what is to come.
“Maybe you came here to change the paradigm of your perceptual reality.
Maybe that was the nature of ‘The Game’ all along. ”
Welcome to the Machine. KSP
The Earth, like the players on the Quaternity board, is in a state of transition. The old models of perception — linear, dualistic, bound by rigid categories — are being dismantled. The new paradigm requires a fourth-dimensional awareness, a way of seeing beyond the immediate, beyond cause and effect, into a field of interconnected possibilities. This is not mere speculation. Throughout history, different traditions have hinted at this shift.
A Hadith Kudsi states:
“I was a hidden treasure, and I ‘loved’ to become known,
thus I created the creatures, and I manifested to them
so that they might come to know Me. ”
The movement from hidden to known, from unseen to seen, mirrors the transition we are undergoing. The "hidden treasure" is not just knowledge but a state of being, a way of experiencing reality that transcends what we currently consider possible.
“The real event, of which the lesser event is a useful similitude, is that which belongs to the higher realm... Familiarity with the ‘high event’, however produced, enables the individual’s mind to operate in the high realm”.
Caravan of Dreams. Introduction to The Story of Mushkil Gusha
Forms change. This is an essential truth. What is considered absolute in one era is discarded in the next. But the essence —the core of the Teaching— remains unchanged. Quaternity is more than a new form of chess; it is a vehicle. Like any true teaching, it provides a pattern through which something deeper can be understood. Its four-sided nature, its demand for expanded awareness, its interplay of shifting alliances and unexpected reversals — all of these are reflections of a higher reality, a reality that is unfolding around us even now. Those who have the sensitivity to perceive it are already preparing. They see the larger pattern, the cosmic reset that is taking place. Others will follow in time, as the necessity for adaptation becomes undeniable.
“If the nature of the Game is to participate, then how do you choose to participate?”
Welcome to the Machine. KSP
The mistake is to think that one can remain a spectator. The Game is happening, whether we acknowledge it or not. The only choice is whether to engage with awareness or to be swept along unconsciously.
“...Imagine: to live this way till your last breath, to be invigorated until the final moment, to never grow old. And you advance to a new round, a game… with Him!”
The Zohar Secret (Film. 2015)
A few years ago I wrote the following:
“I wouldn't be surprised if what happens on the Quaternity board is a reflection of some real event ‘up there’, a symbolic configuration of planetary shifts ‘down here.’ But perhaps we don’t need to know the full details. Maybe it is enough to play, to familiarize ourselves with this game, and in doing so, prepare ourselves to understand that Game—the Real One.”
Many games later, I find my reflexion unchanged — I feel the same now as I did then.