Dr C. Beyond & Dr Y. Binary
Mind Sports Coaching
Psychological Support for the Quaternity Player
"The first Clinic where the choice is Not yours."
Do not hesitate to contact us if you have one or more of these symptoms:
• Are you afraid to start playing?
• Have you played a few games and chickened out from losing so much?
• Can you never give a checkmate, even if it is offered to you as a gift?
• Do you keep giving away checkmates to others and leave nothing for yourself?
• Do you have bad time management and always remain a 'zombie'?
• Do you feel that you are always being 'attacked'?
• Are you afraid of 'attacking' other players? (we prefer to say 'starting a conversation')
• Are you very passive and conservative waiting for others to lose their pieces?
• When you experience a triple 'attack', do you victimise yourself and start
complaining bitterly in the chat room?
• But if you get the checkmate three-to-one, you get really happy?
• Do you dwell for days on the checkmate they gave you?
• Do your hands sweat while playing?
• Do you experience tachycardia before, during or after a game?
• Do you neglect your queen and get a knot in your stomach when you lose it?
• Do you have nightmares at night after losing a game?
• Do you feel guilty after winning a game?
• Do you despair if someone else beats you in the rankings?
We offer a complete coaching service including Hypnosis,
NLP, Rehabilitation, Gestalt and Jungian therapies.
We also coach Q-teams.
Get in touch.
Working together to activate four-dimensional perception