In light of long-anticipated predictions regarding global events unfolding within the social sphere, and observing how these developments are manifesting step by step—often concealed under the guise of progressivism and the so-called common good—it becomes evident that such forecasts are being confirmed. Consequently, it is not difficult to foresee the most appropriate course of action to avoid falling into error or succumbing to the many traps set for the unwary.
A person with a far-reaching vision, utilizing exceptional means beyond the grasp of most, might first attempt to warn and then counteract potential negative influences or threats to social balance. This could be achieved by devising methods that not only help individuals navigate the potential challenges ahead but also bring about a fundamental transformation—one that neutralises the forces of imbalance and disharmony that threaten the peaceful evolution of humanity.
The ability to anticipate, prevent global disruptions, and restore equilibrium when threatened by the reckless actions of certain groups is a distinctive trait of awakened individuals, particularly Sufis. They truly embody the principle of "Think globally, act locally," though, in their case, their ability extends beyond mere thought. They seem to "perceive globally and act both locally and globally" simultaneously. This is made possible by their extrasensory perception, which transcends the limitations of conventional time-bound awareness, enabling them to influence past and future events as their work unfolds multidimensionally.
The story of Baba, the Wandering Dervish (I. Shah. Reflections) provides a clear example of this kind of operation. Foreseeing a series of destructive events well in advance, the master imparts specific lessons tailored to the people and places he visits as a mere traveller. Years later, his only companion on these journeys comes to realize that Baba’s teachings had served as antidotes to avert real catastrophes.
"...This is an explanation of the mysterious "messages" which Sufi teachers get, telling them to repair to such and such a place, in order to respond to the call of the force there which has become derelict (in the sense of abandoned) or needs their reinforcing." (I. Shah. The Sufis. The Background II)
With remarkable precision, he had administered the right remedy to counteract future turmoil. This kind of higher-level, exact "science" is a legacy of the Sufis. It implies a profound knowledge of human nature—its strengths, weaknesses, and evolutionary potential. It also suggests that the Sufi serves a greater purpose, possessing the ability to influence and guide delicate developmental processes within this part of the universe.
Given the current global situation, it occurs to me that several essential qualities will be required to help humanity navigate what lies ahead. Will there be a catastrophe? Perhaps not necessarily, but—without delving into specifics—it seems clear that a period of testing will come —a transition—, one that will demand a certain resilience to navigate successfully and emerge on the other side in the best possible way.
Among the key attributes necessary for this journey are flexibility, holistic rather than linear thinking, a sense of humour, a spirit of service, faithfulness to truth, faith, and patience.
Quaternity, through its dynamic and unpredictable gameplay, cultivates several of these qualities. If practiced regularly, it trains the mind in a way that prepares individuals to face the unknown before it arrives. One of its fundamental lessons is the refusal to provide conditioned certainty—a form of false security—thus allowing for the gradual opening of an internal faculty of perception. This faculty will be essential for adapting to new, prevailing circumstances in the not-too-distant future.
“…Surely a computer can play Quaternity, but it would be quite hard to reduce such things as kindness, aggression, humor and above all ‘implied intention’ to a sequence of ‘ones and zeros’. Quaternity returns the game to the human arena.” (A. Shah. Quaternity: International Rules)
As automation and digitalization increasingly take hold of everyday life, the challenge will be to maintain and cultivate the human elements that machines cannot replicate. If we do not educate ourselves for freedom and creativity, for spontaneity and subtlety, we risk being overtaken by the very structures we have created. Quaternity offers a means to counteract this, fostering the mental agility and adaptability necessary to meet the coming challenges with awareness and resilience.